Support Us
Do you love White Lake?
Has White Lake had an effect on your life?
Please consider giving back to the ministry of White Lake so that we can continue to touch the lives of those in the Atlantic & St Lawrence Presbyteries as well as others in the RPCNA who attend camp. Through time, donations, and prayer you can support the ministry of White Lake!
Time: Did you know that camp would not be possible without many people donating their time? It takes many hours of work to maintain the camp and keep it running smoothly. Consider giving some of your time to camp by attending work days and other events.
Our next work day will be coming up soon!
Please join us to complete the many tasks required to get camp up and running for the season. Many hands make light work. Housing will be available for those who wish to spend the night.
Please let Chris Huggins - 315-560-6699, know if you plan to attend.
Donation: Did you know that without donations from churches and individuals, White Lake would not be possible. It is only with your support that we can continue to provide Christ-centered teaching, maintain the camp, and provide great experiences for our young people and families. Consider making a financial donation to the camp. All donations are tax-deductible.
Donation checks should be made out to White Lake Camp and mailed to Gail Macaulay at 1512 Old state rd Binghamton NY 13904
Donations can also be made through PayPal.