White Lake Covenanter Camp has been a place of fellowship for the last 100 yrs! The hilltop has provided a space for learning, growing, fellowship and renewed faith to those who have attended.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20
Our Mission
Our Mission is to shine the light of God's love and mercy on the world around us. We staff our facility with people who are actively pursing God and who willingly volunteer their time to disciple, challenge and encourage others to a life devoted to
Christ and His church.

Our Vision
The vision of White Lake Camp is to become a mission field by: Providing a camping facility for year round usage and serving an ever increasing number of people seeking fellowship in faith. Using our hilltop to encourage campers to become a member of the body of God and to live their lives for Christ.
Chris Huggins

Board Treasurer
Christopher Huggins has participated in and served White Lake camp for over 40 years. First as a camper, two years as a counselor, one year as Vice President and two years as President. He now serves as the Camp Manager. White Lake Camp has been a huge part of Chris’ Christian walk being instrumental in his early discipleship and mentoring in the faith.
Member of Syracuse RP Church
Johnathan McDonald

Jonathan Trexler

Board V.P.
Johnathan has attended camp for over 15 years. All of his kids have spent numerous summers attending and building many projects at White Lake.
Elder at Providence RP Church